


Michael Owen 話 “If you can’t beat them, join them!” ,而我地球迷會話: “If you wanna see him, join us!”

香港曼聯官方球迷會成功爭取到與射入4:3絕殺曼城的前鋒奧雲 (Michael Owen) 與本會會員近距離接觸的機會,詳情如下:

[info ]
集合地點:將軍澳東港城Esprit門口 (L1 -193號鋪)


1. 請填寫whatsapp手機號碼,我們將以whatsapp 群組於與大家聯絡。
2. 參加者請注意如最終無故缺席,將可能被禁出席日後球迷會主辦之獨家會員活動。
3. 報名者之先後次序以伺服器顯示時間為準。
4. 如有任何爭議,一切以曼聯官方球迷會作最終決定。
5. 出席者需出示本會會員證,否則可能喪失參加權利。
6. 請出席者攜帶本會打氣毛巾。
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Michael Owen once said: “If you can’t beat them, join them!” but we say: “If you wanna see him, join us!”

MUSCHK is delighted to get chances for our members to see the legend forward Michael Owen on 08 Jun 2014. Details are as follows:

[info ]Date: 08 June 2014 (Sunday)
Time: Gathering at 11:30am. Activity will be held at 11:45am – 16:00pm. (Please be punctual)
Meet Up Location: Esprit, (L1, Shop no. 193), East Point City at Tseung Kwan O
Quota: 45

If you are interested, please fill in the application form below. Quotas are assigned on a first come, first served basis.[/info]

1. Please provide your mobile phone number registered for Whatsapp. We will contact successful applicants by means of a Whatsapp group.
2. If successful applicants are absent without valid reasons, they may be banned from joining members’ only activities organised by MUSCHK in the future.
3. The order of applicants will be determined by the mail server time of MUSCHK’s official email.
4. For any disputes, MUSCHK reserves all the rights for the final decision.
5. Successful applicants will need to present their MUSCHK membership card upon arrival. Otherwise they may lose the chance to join the activity.
6. Please bring MUSCHK towel.


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