[ujicountdown id=”Red” expire=”2017/05/04 23:30″ hide=”true” url=”https://www.musc.org.hk/meet-with-quinton-fortune” subscr=”Event – Quinton Fortune” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””]
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曾協助曼聯於1999至2003年三個球季奪得英超冠軍,可勝任多個位置的南非球員科東尼 (Quinton Fortune) 將於本星期訪港出席活動,本會在幹事穿針引線下,成功向官方爭取讓本會會員在今個星期日(5月7日)中午與這名前紅魔球員有獨家會面的機會!
1. 活動主要以英語進行。
2. 本會於活動中將安排簽名環節,惟每位會員只能帶備每人最多一項物品讓球星簽名,如超過者本會有權禁止有關會員參與活動。
3. 本會將盡量安排個人合照時段,請各出席會員聽從本會幹事安排及指示以讓活動順利進行。
4. 曼聯方面或會嚴格要求各出席會員需待球星訪港活動結束後才可上載有關活動照片到社交平台,球迷會將於當日活動中公布安排。敬請各出席會員自律,違規者或會影響日後參與同類活動機會。
所有會員報名時段:5月4日(星期四)晚上11時30分至5月5日(星期五)早上11時30分 (如經過第1階段仍有活動餘額)
請留意:按本會既定有關球星活動之規定, 國際會員將有優先出席權。國際會員在優先申請時段將以先到先得方式獲配出席名額。如在優先申請時段後(即5月4日11時)後仍有名額剩餘,所有會員將會在第二階段以先到先得形式獲配剩餘出席名額。
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MUSCHK exclusive session with Quinton Fortune
With the help of the Hong Kong office of Manchester United, MUSCHK will have an exclusive meet & greet event with ex-United player, Quinton Fortune, who will be visiting Hong Kong this weekend.
Please note the submission of your registration DOES NOT imply a guaranteed space for the event. We shall contact all successful registrants via Telegram group. Meeting point details will also be communicated via the designated Telegram group.
Details of the event are as follows –
[info]Date: 7 May 2017 (Sun)
Time: 11:30am – 12:45pm
Venue: Island Area (successful applicant will be informed of the exact meeting point and time via Telegram Group)
Charge: Free
1. The event will be conducted in English.
2. Each member can prepare no more than ONE item for autographs. MUSCHK reserves the right the reject the entry of additional items.
3. Members are required to follow the instructions and arrangements of the Executive Committee Members of MUSCHK at all times during the event.
4. Manchester United may request no images or videos can be uploaded to any online social media platform on or before certain time, which MUSCHK shall announce during event. Members found violating this will be banned from participating in future events of similar nature.
Application periods:
1) 4 May 2017 (Thu) 9pm – 11pm (Advance application period for International Members only)
2) 4 May 2017 (Thu) 11:30pm – 5 May 2017 (Fri) 11:30am (Application period for all members if there is still quotas left)
Local Member who registered within the Advance application period will be disqualified.
Priority for attending will be given to International Members in accordance with prevailing policies of MUSCHK in respect of legend event. During the first application period, the quota will be allocated to International Members according to the sequence of their applications. If there are quotas left by the first application deadline at 11pm, 4 May 2017, they will be allocated to all members on a first-come-first serve basis in the second application period.
* The sequence of the applications received will be based on the time recorded by the on-line application system.