- 18/07/2013
- Posted by: admin
- Category: 球迷會動態
曼徹斯特的intu Trafford Centre給予本會會員優惠!會員到曼徹斯特朝聖時,只要憑會員證前往intu Trafford Centre的客戶服務部,就可免費獲得一本包括商場內40間飲食、購物及優閒玩樂商舖之優惠券小冊子。
Present the MUSCHK membership card at the customer service desk to get a free booklet with 40 vouchers with offers for dining, shopping and leisure!
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[icon color=”#f20e0e” size=”24″ type=”icon-question-sign” unit=”px” ] 關於intu Trafford Centre
位於曼徹斯特外圍的 intu Trafford Centre,佔地超過 200,000 平方米,是全英國面積第二大的商場,內裡店舖林立,不論飲食、購物或優閒玩樂設施都一應俱全。
[icon color=”#f20e0e” size=”24″ type=”icon-question-sign” unit=”px” ] About intu Trafford Centre
Situated in the outskirts of Manchester with a floor area exceeding 200,000 m2, the intu Trafford Centre is the second-largest shopping mall in Britain by area, with an abundance of dining, shopping & leisure facilities.
[icon color=”#000″ size=”16″ type=”icon-file” unit=”px” ]Download Brochure(PDF)
[googlemap width=”575″ height=”325″ src=”https://www.google.com/maps?q=Manchester+M17+8AA,+United+Kingdom&hl=zh-TW&ie=UTF8&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=57.510723,91.582031&oq=Manchester+M17+8AA&hnear=%E8%8B%B1%E5%9C%8B%E9%82%AE%E6%94%BF%E7%BC%96%E7%A0%81:+M17+8AA&t=m&z=16″ ]
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