- 02/10/2015
- Posted by: admin
- Category: 球迷會動態

相信不少曼聯球迷都知道,費爵爺退休後曾獲美國哈佛大學邀請,擔任客席講師分享他的管理之道。爵爺更特意把其多年經驗編輯成《Leading》 一書。香港曼聯官方球迷會特意為各位會員推出團購服務,詳情如下:
Many United Supporters will know that Sir Alex has been invited to give lectures on management at Harvard University. In his latest publication, “Leading”, Sir Alex shares the many aspects of his job in football management and his strategy. MUSCHK is pleased to offer a group purchase service to members for this book. Details as follows:
[info]訂購詳情 Details
價錢:港幣 210 元(每名會員最多限購兩本)
Price: HK$210 (each member can order a maximum of TWO copies)
付款方法:轉帳至銀行戶口號碼:848-708228-838 – 滙豐銀行 或 012-566-0-004802-4 – 中國銀行戶口
Payment Method: Transfer to the Club’s HSBC [848-708228-838] or Bank of China [012-566-0-004802-4] account
取貨地點:銅鑼灣耀華街21號華耀商業大廈1201室 Standbuy Club (到貨以電郵通知,不設送貨)
Collection point: Standbuy Club, Room 1201, Workingview Commercial Building, 21 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (Will notify by email when stocks arrived, no delivery service provided)
營業時間:星期二至五(1600 – 2030),星期六(1200 – 1800),星期一、星期日及公眾假期休息
Business Time:Tue to Fri (1600 – 2030), Sat (1200 – 1800), Mon, Sun, Public holiday (Closed)[/info]
[notice]訂購截止日期:10月8日 晚上2359[/notice]
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